Orbit Homes have recently completed a £2.8 million Passivhaus development in Coventry, comprising 18 apartments and five houses. The project used pre-assembled wall floor & roof panels (including insulation, windows & doors), which improved the speed and efficiencies of the building process. The project recently won the Silver in Best Sustanable Development category for What House? 2011 awards
Orbit Homes delivered Passivhaus on a large scale at Sampson Close. This is no mean feat; Passivhaus requires attention to detail and discipline that is way beyond most designers and contractors in the UK.
21° supplied, designed & commissioned the mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) systems at the project. PAUL Focus 200 units were installed in each of the project’s apartments/ houses, which, due to their compact size, are ideal for social housing projects.
We were advised by our Passivhaus Assessors that, due to the design constraints of the houses and apartments in particular, we would need amongst the best performing MVHR units on the market. The PAUL MVHR range was suggested to us, along with 21° as having the required expertise in the UK to deliver on this product.
We received (and continue to receive) excellent technical service and expertise from 21°’s Andrew Farr in ensuring that our client is best served with ongoing support and advice to both the tenant’s in providing easily understood user information and to the Housing Associations maintenance teams.
We would fully recommend the 21°e range of MVHR models for the high efficiency end of the market. In terms of Passivhaus design, it is often a trade-off of different elements to obtain the best value to performance ratio and to this end would like to see the range extended.
David Poole, Senior Design Manager at Wates Living Space
The project benefited from good working relationships between ourselves and the main contractors and the subcontractors responsible for ducting installation and electrics. The excellent communication within the team hugely facilitated the delivery and performance of the MVHR systems at this scale, enabling a positive outcome for the project
Andrew Farr, 21°s MVHR technical manager